Avian tea blends can help in many ways such as improving skin and feather quality, immune system support, digestion support, improved respiratory health, and hormonal balance just to name a few! Our Tranquili-Tea caffeine-free blend, offered with a diverse diet, is a yet another way to increase vitamins and minerals into daily diets. This unique tea contains feather and skin boosting ingredients to help to keep birds feathers luminous and their skin healthy! Avian tea can be offered in brewed or dry form. Dry Avian tea can be mixed into mash, sprouts, and other moist or dry foods. Avian tea is a great way to increase plant material into food, and keeps things interesting for birds like Mother Nature does! Give your bird the ultimate Glow Up!
Just a few ingredient health benefits of Tranquili-Tea Blend!
Tulsi Leaves- rich in antioxidants and has been recognized to help relieve stress. Tulsi also has been found to strengthen immunity and ward off bacterial and viral infections. Peppermint Leaves-can help G.I. upset and aids in digeston, contains antiseptic and anti-viral properties. Rose-natural source of vitamin C and bioflavonoids. Aids in recovery of illness and is a potent blood, liver, and kidney tonic. Coriander seed-contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds, aids in digestion.
Avian Tranquili-Tea Ingredients: Organic Tulsi (Holy Basil Leaf), Organic Fennel seed, Organic Flax seed, Organic Fenugreek seed, Organic Licorice Root, Organic Peppermint Leaf, Organic Raspberry Leaf, Organic Coriander Seed, Passion Flower Herb, Organic Lavender, Organic Calendula Petals, Organic Rose Petals, Organic Cornflower Petals.
**Brewing Instructions and Hints:
Use hot (not boiling) water. Always begin with 1 tsp. of dry tea to 8-10 oz. of hot water. Remove tea bags or strainers before serving.
**If your bird appears suspicious of the brewed offering, dilute a bit by steeping for a shorter period of time, but never completely replace pure water with tea. Pure water should always be offered! Always make sure tea water is cooled to room temperature before serving and refridgerate any unused portion. Use hot not boiling water for brewing.
Store in cool dry place and best used by 1 year.